Iniciativas FUNAFU
Tourism planning on Esteros del Ibera
Esteros del Iberá
From December 2003, Fundacion Naturaleza para el Futuro is working with regard to the project GEF/PNUD ARG/02/G35, of sustainability in Esteros del Ibera.
This project is coordinated by Fundacion Ecos Corrientes with funds proceeding from UNDP (United Nations Development Program) and it has for purpose to develop and implement a sustainable management plan to allow the economic success of the region and communities inside the area, with no risk for the Ibera Natural Reserve.
The objective of Fundacion Naturaleza para el Futuro, concerning this project, is to analyze the actual situation of ecotourism on the Reserve, and evaluate its attractive and potentials, to propose subsequently the guidelines to incorporate in the public use program of the management plan.
It has been constituted in an important economic activity in natural areas in the whole world. It gives opportunities for tourists to perceive nature and culture and to learn about the importance of biodiversity conservation and local cultures. Simultaneously, it has converted in a tool for sustainable development, in the circumstances that generate incomes for conservation and economic benefits for the communities in these remote areas where difficultly other activities could offer so many opportunities.
Ecotourism aims:
- Low impact for natural resources.
- Involve all plaintiffs on planning, development, implementation and impact control phases.
- Respect culture and local traditions.
- Generate sustainable incomes for local communities and other integrants of the chain of value.
- Generate incomes for conservation of protected areas.
- Be an instrument for education, according to the importance of conservation.
Development of the project
The key points to follow for the development of the ecotourism evaluation of the Ibera Reserve include a field work, which contains different steps:
Methods to involve local communities
Involvement of the different plaintiffs and communities is one of the primordial
Reserva Natural Privada “Los Silencios”. Serranías de Sumampa
Sumampa, Santiago del Estero
Puesta en valor de las Misiones Jesuíticas-Guaraníes.
La Cruz, Corrientes, Argentina.
Proyecto “Corredor Verde Esmeralda”.
San Pedro, Misiones, Argentina.
Protección de paisajes y lugares de especial riqueza natural o cultural
Planificación turística en los Esteros del Iberá
Esteros del Iberá
Experiencia Ruta 40
El patrimonio tiene oficio
Valles Calchaquies. Salta.